This marks my entry to the world of blogging. Sitting at my office and with no worthy thing to do I thought this is the right time to start it. My viewpoints towards this new phenomena is mixed with feeling lke boredom and not my type thing, but finally after a long thinking reading posts by RAHUL DASH(your posts are a delight to read man!!) i thought why not try it.
At this point I cannot say that my blog is going to be Interesting and blah-blah but one thing that i can assure is that my posts will not be borngly long or full of my own mood description. It will be something based on what I observe around me.
There is also a possibility that you will not see anything after this introductory speech sort of thing due to inherently lazy nature of IITians of which i am an integral part.
To me:- happy blogging
To you :- happy reading